So Long, Farewell
Two years, nine months and seven days. That has been my tenure here with The Mane Land, and today it sadly comes to an end. It’s a bit hard to put into words exactly what I want to say in my 301st and final article here (well, 292 at SB Nation and nine while we were still a fledgling WordPress site in fall of 2014), but let me give it a go.
It has been a pleasure covering Orlando City for TML over the course of its MLS history. I had covered the team from a radio standpoint since 2012, but the SB Nation platform gave me the opportunity to write about the team in different and unique ways — ways that would give me a better understanding of the team, its players, and its fans. It also gave me a chance to get feedback from you, the reader, and become a better writer as a result. So, for those reading this article right now, thanks for doing just that and pushing me to become better at what I love to do.
The 1,011 days here have seemingly gone by in an instant. I remember like it was yesterday when I was just graduating college and began writing here, just before the 2015 inaugural season started up. I’ve been able to cover international friendlies, the NWSL Draft and MLS SuperDraft, the Florida Cup, and almost all Orlando City, Orlando Pride, and Orlando City B games over that time frame. I’ve written about the FIFA video game and analyzed player ratings; I’ve gone in-depth into statistics no one would ever think to look up; I’ve done features on team staff, players, and coaches; and it has all been a whirlwind of a time, which I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to do all of those things.
Now, onto the big part of things. I am not leaving Orlando City coverage, despite leaving The Mane Land. Far from it, in fact. As of today, I have started as the Staff Writer with the Orlando City team, where I’ll be writing similar content that I’ve been doing here for almost three years. I am incredibly gracious and thankful for the opportunity to now work for the club that I have covered since its inception.
Before I make my grand exit, I do need to give two last thank yous. First, to The Mane Land staff. It has been a pleasure to have worked with each and every one of you over my time here. I have gained a number of friends through working here, which has made my time here much more fun and enjoyable. Finally, a huge thank you to the Managing Editor of The Mane Land, Michael Citro, who gave me the opportunity to write for his site and has personally helped me grow as a writer and as a person every step of the way. I can’t thank him enough for the help he has given me through my time here.
With that, I take my leave of this fine website. Thank you to everyone here and be sure to catch all my latest writings over on the team website.