
The Motivational (Social Media) work of Chris Mueller and Scott Sutter’s Trolling Responses



A new year often brings about a lot of change. It’s a time when a lot of people look at themselves and decide where they’d like to improve. Bettering one’s self looks different to each person. For some it’s losing weight, exercising more, or getting healthier overall. For others it’s tackling financial stress, professional growth, or taking care of their mental health.

While I don’t really set resolutions that I’ll only be disappointed in myself for not sticking to in my personal life, I have decided to make my mental health a priority. For me that means focusing on the positive, laughing more, and finding enjoyment in what I’m doing. With that came a huge social media clean-up — a chance to see a feed full of soccer and positivity, and less toxicity.

Orlando City’s Chris Mueller checks both of those boxes. Take a trip over to his Instagram or Twitter account and you’ll see exactly what I mean. The man puts in the work to read books that inspire and motivate him. His feed is nothing but positive quotes on setting and achieving goals, believing in and betting on himself, and showing gratitude for all the things, people, and success he’s found.

So, I set notifications for when he posts because my language (if you subscribe to the idea of love languages) is words of affirmation and it’s really hard to tell yourself you’re awesome and it can be detrimental to your well-being when you know you need to read and hear it. Mueller always has something positive just when you need it the most.

One of the things I am working on is also laughing more. While I love the motivational posts from Chris, I rarely laugh as hard as I do when former Lion Scott Sutter trolls him on Twitter. He always has something snarky to say back and the banter is enjoyable. An added layer, should you choose to analyze it, is that Sutter isn’t wildly active on his socials, so the fact that he takes the time to troll Chris is interesting.

Behold, the sass:

It’s not all jokes though. Sutter did use his platform to support Mueller’s “Potential Meets Opportunity” initiative to get 500 or more soccer balls to kids around the world. He also poked fun at himself, telling a supporter she overpaid for his discount OCSC kit on “Purple” Friday.

Jan. 8 is the day Sutter posted content for which Mueller could get in a dig. He laid it out perfectly for the kid! Either Chris hasn’t seen it, was inspired by it, or is taking the high road.

All in all, this is the content I’m looking for this year. Who do you love to follow that inspires you? Have you set any resolutions for this new year? Do you read into the Love Languages or Enneagram? I’m a 4 by the way, but who’s really surprised by that?

Let me know how you’re working to be the best version of yourselves in the comments!


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