
What Have Orlando City and Pride Players Been Up To?



In case you’ve lost count, Mane Landers it’s been 20 days since Orlando City soccer. I’m on week two of staying at home, and with the “stay at home” mandate going into effect last night for Orange and Osceola Counties, we’re going to be here a while. Working from home is surprisingly busier than my normal day as I work to support tech as schools transition to online learning.

If you need a break from the crazy, might I suggest following some of your favorite Orlando City and Orlando Pride players online? Like us, players are home and some of them have been very busy across various social media platforms. From working out and prepping meals, to creating funny videos or taking the latest challenges and inspiring others, the Orlando CIty and Pride family are working hard to keep themselves entertained while keeping fit.

Here is a curation of recent posts:

Marta and Toni Pressley’s Instastories are where they spend most of their time on Instagram. Think pool dancing, dogs, and walks in pajamas because “there are no rules.” Neither of them are sleeping on their workouts though, and letting the world know!

After a full workout, Marta practices juggling a tennis ball.

Ali Riley was desperate to get a workout in and managed to clean while she was at it!

You don’t have to have children to appreciate Sydney Leroux’s hilarious posts about her kids. This workout video, however, spoke to me.

Chris Mueller is no stranger to posting motivational quotes. This week he kicked off the #GratitudeChallenge.

El Capitan motivates us to enjoy the time we’re all afforded to spend together with our loved ones. He even models working with his son as he studies remotely.

Uri Rosell took over the OCSC Twitter account for a segment of “ask me anything” and shared that he makes the best Iberian food himself.

Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris have been sharing funny stories of their dogs, backyard training sessions, and virtual happy hours.

There are so many more you could follow. To be honest, most of them are updating their Instagram stories regularly rather than creating full posts, so that’s where you’ll get the most entertainment from players.

Regardless of who you follow, on which platform, the messages are very clear from all players and teams right now— stay home!


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