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TML Staff Roundtable: 2019 Orlando City Season Postmortem



The 2019 season is over and it’s time to reflect on what happened to Orlando City in 2019 and look ahead to what 2020 might hold in store. I reached out to the full staff of The Mane Land to get some answers and those are below. Not everyone responded but those who did are represented below in full. Since I usually cherry pick the best answers, this will be longer than the usual roundtable piece, so be forewarned: you may need to put a pin in this and come back to finish it later.

Orlando City improved in several areas and made a deep U.S. Open Cup run but again missed the playoffs. Do you think the Lions underachieved, overachieved, or merely “achieved” in 2019, and why?

David Rohe: I think they underachieved slightly. I did have them just making the playoffs in my predictions, and if a few things had broken differently, they would have. The defense improved massively, but did give up too many late goals to drop points. The attack was never addressed entirely, and with Dom Dwyer either injured or having a bad case of the yips, the club also lost out on points on the offensive side of the ball. There were only five points’ difference between eighth and 11th place, and the final standing could have been much different if those factors hadn’t all hit this season.

Ben Miller: For me, the club merely achieved. I was one of the people that didn’t see this team making the playoffs at the beginning of the year and that’s exactly what happened. I think the semifinal run leaned towards overachieving but the implosion down the stretch when chasing a playoff spot sort of balanced that out for me. Overall the team did what I expected: showed some improvement while also showing that there’s still a long way to go.

Guilherme Torres: I agree that there was some progress, but I still think it’s an underachieving season. Nothing outside of making the playoffs at the very least should be considered as so in my opinion, especially with MLS increasing the number of qualified teams to seven in each conference. Any year in which Orlando fails to make it to the playoffs, it should be considered a failure.

Andrew Sharp: After setting out the target of playoffs at the start of the season, it’s impossible to say anything other than Orlando underachieved. Luiz Muzzi was clear that the organization believed the roster was good enough for at least seventh in the East and the team was there or thereabouts as late as mid-August but collapsed. Fewer than 10 wins, 22nd of 24 teams, taking four points from a possible 24 in a playoff race…the only achievement was a participation trophy.

Jenn Glasheen: I think the team underachieved, especially in relation to the talent on the field. While there were some improvements such as goals conceded, there was still no product in the end. In education, missing the mark would be considered underachieving. That is especially amplified when almost 60% of teams make the playoffs.  

Scott Carnevale: I’d say the Lions “achieved.” I don’t think the playoffs were a realistic target this season. The skid at the end of the season was disappointing, but they were doing as expected all season. The overall play was much better compared to 2018, but there is still a lot of work to be done. 

Sean Rollins: I think Orlando City underachieved in 2019 but met expectations. The expectation for this club is now to underachieve each season, which is what they did as they failed to make the playoffs for the fifth consecutive season.

Bearded Guy: Underachieved for sure. This squad is easily better than 11th in the East, better than a team with no back to back wins. I’m not saying playoff material, but I fully expected this roster to at least complete for the final spot.

My Take: Every team in MLS makes an annual goal of winning MLS Cup and making the playoffs, so with respect to my colleagues, to quantify this category solely on whether it made the postseason or not isn’t a realistic barometer. The Lions were historically bad in 2018 and not enough was done to the roster to make it a playoff team. Orlando was never jumping from second-worst team in MLS to top seven in the conference in one season. I’m measuring the club’s improvement in points and goals conceded, a decrease in lopsided losses, actually being in playoff contention until the end of match day 33, and just overall being a more difficult team to break down and beat and we got about what I expected aside from the winless streak at the end of the year. Had this team squeaked in, it would have overachieved. This roster still has holes, which I’ll discuss more below. The club merely achieved. I’d say it underachieved if it hadn’t been among the league’s most improved teams. It had a long way to go, sure, but the journey of a thousand miles has to start with a step or two and City took those initial steps.

What do you make of the firing of James O’Connor? Did he do enough to earn another year with a more fully realized roster? Why or why not?

Dave: It really depends on what happens now. On The Mane Land Pawedcast I said that if they were to move on from O’Connor it needed to be one hour after the last match. It wasn’t quite that fast, but it was the next day. I think he had the team trending in the right direction, and I would have liked for the front office to give him more time and the roster to compete, but it looks like the end of the season form doomed O’Connor. Add in that he wasn’t Luiz Muzzi’s hire, and it might have happened anyway. 

Ben: I don’t think firing JOC was the answer and I wish it hadn’t been done. My biggest concern is that the culture he was beginning to implement will go out the window with whoever the new hire is. I also think that the team improved in a number of areas and was going in the right direction so I was looking forward to seeing what he would be able to do with another transfer window and preseason. The defensive improvement alone justified him getting another year, especially given the fact that the team was hamstrung offensively by the makeup of the roster. The one positive from the firing is that it was done as soon as possible after the season was over, but I don’t agree with the decision at all.

Guilherme: I’m not sure if I would fire him if I were in charge, but I can totally understand why Luiz Muzzi did it. James was already in the club when he came in and it’s possible that he wasn’t the coach of his dreams. The results most certainly didn’t put him in a good spot and if the front office really thinks he’s not the idea fit with their ideas, then they made the decision at the absolute right time as it gives them plenty of time to look for a replacement.

Andrew: Regardless of whether it was “his” roster or not, O’Connor chronically underperformed both with a 2018 roster that managed to put together the club’s longest ever win streak under the stewardship of Jason Kreis before O’Connor came in averaged 0.53 points per game with the same squad. After receiving several upgrades at key positions (Justin Meram to Nani, Scott Sutter to Ruan, Amro Tarek to Robin Jansson), he still leaves as only the second ever coach in MLS history not to achieve consecutive league wins and improved from the worst season in team history to the second worst. We saw that O’Connor can take a good USL roster and keep it good but that isn’t what Orlando City needs.

Jenn: I’m not sure that it was necessarily the best move the club could make, but the club ending in 11th again I can honestly say I see why they’ve made the decision. 

Scott: It is not surprising knowing this club’s history, but extremely disappointing. He without a doubt should have been given another year as the team has gradually improved since he took over. With another transfer window under his belt I’m confident he would have taken the team to the playoffs in 2020, which should have been the goal all along. If Muzzi is calling the shots I will have faith in the decision, as he has yet to disappoint.

Sean: While James O’Connor struggled late in the year, I think he should’ve had another year. When you have three head coaches in five years, the blame has to be shifted from coaches and players to the front office. None of the three coaches have had the time to build anything before losing the position.

Beard: I think the front office should have given JOC one more season to right the ship. At some point, you have to question what the problem is, and I’m not sure that giving a coach in MLS 1.5 seasons is enough, especially when they are inheriting someone else’s roster, and a number of new front office staff.

My Take: I’m already on record as saying there are valid reasons both to fire O’Connor and to keep him. If the club was going to sack him, it at least did so at the right time, as opposed to the awful timing of the Adrian Heath and Jason Kreis firings. With Muzzi saying that James O’Connor will be a great coach, it certainly begs the question that if he believes that, why fire JOC? Seems to me if you commit to a young coach, you have to let them develop the same as a young player. I doubt Orlando will be cutting Benji Michel anytime soon, so why O’Connor? To me, the most damning reasons to fire him were the final eight games of 2019 and the lack of consecutive wins in a season and a half. I’m fine with this move if the next coach does well, so I’m reserving judgment until a later date on whether this is the right move or not. This is a long way of saying I’m not sure O’Connor did enough to warrant more time but I couldn’t tell you for sure that Bob Bradley or Bruce Arena could have gotten this team to the playoffs either.

If you were to jettison five players off the current roster, who would they be and why?

Dave: Sacha Kljestan, Lamine Sané, Cristian Higuita, Will Johnson, and Carlos Ascues. Kljestan and Johnson are both older players with big salaries, and I doubt they fit what Muzzi wants to accomplish. Sané is also a bit older, and while he has been a high point for the defense, I think the club can find another center back to be just as effective, but at a lower price. Higuita has shown flashes of becoming a better player, but he is often injured and if the club is to get anything for him, now is the time. Finally, I don’t think Ascues has done enough to justify his salary, and the club can do better. Altogether, dumping these players would potentially free up over $3.6 million in salary. That’s money Muzzi can spend elsewhere.

Ben: Danilo Acosta — simply put, I don’t think Acosta has a place on the team. He played eight MLS matches and the last time he featured was in July. For me that says enough about his place, or lack thereof on the roster. Robinho — this feels harsh but I wasn’t really on board with the Robinho signing in the first place, and while he did a decent enough job in the games he featured I think that the team would be better served going out and getting someone who brings more to the table. Kyle Smith — he improved as the year went on but I think the Lions need someone more capable of covering for Joao Moutinho if he’s injured as much next year as he was this year. He had some especially poor performances earlier in the year and I think the Lions need to continue improving across the back four. Josué Colmán — loaning out the young DP and using the DP tag elsewhere says about all it needs to. He didn’t see the field an overwhelming amount the last two seasons and I think that’s telling in and of itself. He didn’t seem to give the coaching staff much confidence in his ability to perform on the field, and I don’t see any reason to keep him around. Sacha Kljestan — at this point in his career Sacha reminds me of Cesc Fabregas during his final days at Chelsea: a luxury type player who can bring an overwhelming amount of creativity when on the field, but who also requires one or two elite defensive midfielders to lock everything down in his vicinity to make up for his defensive shortcomings. To me, that isn’t the type of player Orlando can afford to have right now, and it means that Sacha has to go.

Guilherme: Sacha Kljestan, Will Johnson, Cristian Higuita, Dillon Powers, and Kyle Smith. The first four are on pretty sizable contracts and haven’t delivered to expectations. If you want to rebuild, you have to open cap space and by getting rid of them Orlando would do so. With Smith, I just don’t think he’s up to MLS level.

Andrew: Dom Dwyer — he’d be a fine number two if the team was to acquire someone above him, but Designated Player spots and Allocation Money are both far too precious to be burnt on statistically the second most ineffective forward in MLS. Sacha Kljestan — Red Bulls knew exactly what they were doing with Kljestan the same way Sporting Kansas City knew what it was doing with Dwyer in selling a high-salary player just before their decline. Former assist king Kljestan was all but phased out of contention under O’Connor and I don’t see how his slow play fits back into the squad, especially with his contract expiring. Shane O’Neill — the most used defender by O’Connor in 2018, even the Irishman realized O’Neill was a liability in defense, leaving him out of numerous squads following a calamitous start to the 2019 season for him personally. Even Kamal Miller, who I don’t think had a particularly good rookie season, is above him on the depth chart. Greg Ranjitsingh — Orlando City showed it had three perfectly usable goalkeepers this year. None of them are match winners and certainly none of them are worth wasting an international roster slot on like with Ranjitsingh. A two-time USL Cup winner with O’Connor at Louisville City, I guess from a sentiment standpoint it was pretty loyal but with Mason Stajduhar now also finally getting his first professional minutes while on loan with Tulsa this season, four goalkeepers is excessive. Santiago Patiño — he seemed to be the product of drafting out of spite and principle and not filling a need. Tesho Akindele has made a fine number two, Michel is the young prospect Patiño was drafted highly to be and, if Orlando chases a top forward like I’d expect it to, Patiño is a jettison candidate purely because he’s surplus to requirement despite being cheap and fine depth in an emergency.

Jenn: Kljestan, Powers, Alex De John, Acosta, Patiño. These players are taking up roster spots and playing fewer and fewer minutes. If they’re the floor, I think it’s time to raise it. 

Scott: Colmán — it was a good experiment bringing him on but he has not produced. It seems clear that he isn’t in the team’s plan as they sent him out on loan and it’s time to move on. Lindley — the team is already overloaded with midfielders and Lindley does not seem to be developing as the team would want. Ranjitsingh — I think the team needs a better starting quality ‘keeper and Brian Rowe should be moved to backup. I think Grinwis had a better season than Ranjitsingh, so Grinwis should remain on the roster. De John and O’Neill — they both have not been good enough this season and the team should bring in better quality depth in the back line this off-season.

Sean: Brian Rowe, Sacha Kljestan, Josué Colmán, Alex De John, and Oriol Rosell. Rowe’s inability to commit on plays has been a problem. Kljestan is a good player but has struggled and fallen out of favor. Colmán hasn’t shown what the club expected in making him a DP. De John is not ready for this level and I can’t see him contributing. Rosell is the most expensive defensive midfielder at base salary and doesn’t have the versatility of someone like Carlos Ascues.

Beard: Josué Colmán — I just do not see him becoming a good fit for this club. Sacha Kljestan — unless he is willing to take a massive pay cut. Santiago Patiño — Orlando will need to make room for forwards moving forward, and of those on the roster, this seems obvious. Dillon Powers — the club will need to thin the herd at defensive midfield. Dom Dwyer — I cannot keep waiting for Dom to snap out of whatever slump he is in. 

My Take: There are several good ideas above, with regard to shedding salary and also replacing depth players with better options. Kljestan’s salary needs to come off the books. I won’t add Sané here because he was so damn good this year, but it would be great to get him to agree to a pay cut. I feel like the team has more or less already jettisoned Colmán, so I’ll cheat and leave him out here. Acosta and Powers are taking up roster slots without pushing for playing time, which only stagnates a team. O’Neill is too easily broken down and hasn’t worked out. One of the high priced central midfielders is my fifth choice here, and as much as I like all of them as players, I think the most expendable are Uri Rosell (salary), Higuita (most injury prone, highest salary and out of contract — bring him back cheaper?), Johnson (age and losing him during international windows), or Ascues (a bit inconsistent). I think my colleagues above are crazy for wanting to jettison Patiño, who is inexpensive, provides depth at a position of need, and still has plenty of upside.

Who are the five most indispensable players from this year’s team?

Dave: Nani, Mauricio Pereyra, Dom Dwyer, Robin Jansson, and Benji Michel. I think that Nani and Pereyra are obvious choices. Dom had a bad year, but given his salary and contract status Orlando is not getting rid of him, so we might as well give him the support he needs. Jansson will seemingly break his leg for this club, and I love him being on the pitch. Finally, Michel showed enough in his rookie season for me to be excited about his potential.

Ben: Nani — I don’t think there’s a ton that needs to be said here, but he led the team in goals and assists and was the creative hub that was central to a lot of what the Lions did well. Easy choice for this list. Mauricio Pereyra — he only made six appearances for the Lions but bagged three assists while also bringing a level of creativity and calm to the team that Orlando desperately needed. He looks to be a quality player and a good piece for the Lions to build around. Robin Jansson — no disrespect to Lamine Sané, but I think Jansson is the more crucial half of the Lions’ center back pairing. He was immense in game after game this season and, at 27 years old, looks likely to remain at his current level for some time. He also stayed fit for the majority of the season — a welcome departure from 2018 in particular when OCSC defenders were dropping left, right, and center. Ruan — when he’s on his game he adds a couple different gears to the team and is close to unplayable. He’s a cheat code for starting counter-attacks, has the speed to recover if he gets beaten, and has an eye for assists to boot. He definitely needs to be back. Will Johnson — every team needs a utility man and the Lions have a damn good one in Johnson. He runs his butt off, does the dirty work in the midfield, and for me is the glue that holds everything together when the team is playing well. If he leaves he’ll be sorely missed. 

Guilherme: I’d say Ruan, Robin Jansson, Sebas Mendez, Nani, and Dom Dwyer. That’s a decent backbone for an MLS team and the Lions should build around these players, but still add some talent. I understand those who raised their eyebrows to Dwyer making the list, but I think he can still be a good player for this team if he gets his mind in the right place.

Andrew: Nani — simple, he’s the best player on the team. Cristian Higuita — several people (including myself) have documented the significant impact Higuita has had on this team when he’s both healthy and selected. The Lions have a wealth of options in midfield, which has further muddied the picture for the Colombian, who is worryingly out of contract at the end of the year. If he leaves, expect it to be one of the most haunting departures should he remain in MLS. Tesho Akindele — the Canadian forward was an absolute gem for Orlando, picking up the goal scoring slack left by Dwyer. Add to that he’s on a very salary cap friendly contract, he’s exactly the kind of value the lower teams scrapping for that final playoff spot look for to give them an advantage. Lamine Jansson — boom, two for one cheat code! On a serious note, the important thing to emphasize here is that Orlando City finally has a center back partnership in Sané and Jansson that it is able to rely on. The 2019 season saw the Lions’ best defensive record since joining MLS and it’s no coincidence that Sané and Jansson started 22 games together. Last season’s most frequent partnership was Sané and Tarek, who played together just six times! They dovetail together nicely and are forming a really strong tandem, it would be foolish to upset that. Ruan — I’m not as high on Ruan as other people, mainly because his offensive output is based more on quantity than it does quality. That being said, the speedy Brazilian has shown an upside Orlando hasn’t had at the right back position before. Better consistency in hitting his ceiling and he becomes an important piece to build around.

Jenn: Nani, Jansson, Ruan, Moutinho, and Pereyra.

Scott: Nani, Will Johnson, Ruan, Pereyra, Sané.

Sean: Nani, Tesho Akindele, Cristian Higuita, Robin Jansson, and Chris Mueller. Nani is the captain and leader of the team. Tesho is the team’s lone quality goal scorer up top. Higuita possesses a physical presence that lacks in the rest of the team. Jansson is the one constant in the back. Mueller shouldn’t start but provides an undeniable spark off the bench.

Beard: Nani, Lamine Sané, Robin Jansson, Sebas Mendez, and Benji Michel.

My Take: The TML staff was unanimous about Nani, although if there’s a younger upgrade available, I’d take it (spoiler: there probably isn’t, so I’ll keep it unanimous). I haven’t seen enough of Pereyra yet to know if he’s in my five. The center back pairing of Sané and Jansson makes my list of five, although it sure would be great if Lamine didn’t cost so much. He’ll be difficult to keep this off-season, I think. That leaves me with two choices left. Moutinho would be on the list if he could stay healthy but so far he just seems to be a much better, left-footed version of Rafael Ramos. So instead I’ll add Tesho Akindele and Benji Michel here because the former is a useful player at an affordable price and the latter has shown tremendous upside and his Homegrown Player status also makes him cap friendly (potentially, it depends on how he’s officially rostered). I think he has the potential to be a consistent double-digit goal scorer if he gets minutes (which ironically would probably make Akindele expendable).

Where should the club place emphasis on bolstering the roster for 2020?

Dave: I’ve said many times on The Mane Land Pawedcast that the team needs an MLS 3.0 striker like Carlos Vela or Josef Martinez. That is priority number one. After that, more attacking midfielders to complement Pereyra, and a top MLS level goalkeeper. In keeping with my answers above, the club also needs to replace Sané, and have good backup center backs. 

Ben: Attacking midfield. For the love of god let Orlando sign some creative, attack-minded midfielders. The team has so many defensive midfielders that I can’t remember all of them and the lack of attacking verve showed both in the team’s paltry goal-scoring numbers, and tendency to sit back and protect leads rather than pressing forward and putting games away. Defensive midfielders tend to defend, and if the Lions don’t invest in some creative talent in the off-season then expect another rough season next year.

Guilherme: It’s all over the place to be honest. Orlando needs at least two good players in each area of the field and sometimes it’s tough to improve your team when you need significant upgrades in so many different spots. If they had to focus on one, though, I’d say midfield. 

Andrew: Orlando City really struggled to contend with the injuries of both Ruan and João Moutinho, exposing the fact that most of the Lions’ offensive threat came from the wide positions. Kyle Smith was a fine stop gap if you’re the third-worst team in MLS, while Danilo Acosta disappeared off the face of the earth with Kamal Miller being preferred to the detriment of everyone, including Miller. Therefore, a versatile fullback to provide both competition and depth is a big need, as is an improvement in midfield to take some of the over-reliance on wide play away, although between Higuita, Sebas Méndez and Mauricio Pereyra, I’m hoping the new coach can cobble a coherent midfield together if the team feels it has more pressing needs. And so it should, as the biggest need won’t be a surprise to anyone: an elite, Designated Player worthy striker to finally put the ball in the goal.

Jenn: The Lions definitely need to trim defensive mids and needs to add attacking players who can create chances and score goals. The team also needs a reliable left back replacement if injuries are going to continue to plague Moutinho. 

Scott: It is time for the team to stop trying to find the next hidden gem and start signing proven players. Orlando City needs to get a big name player that is still in their prime, or just past it. The Carlos Rivas and Josué Colmán stories are old now. They need to sign a player or two that can help the team right away and has experience. Ideally, it would be an attacking minded player — whether a forward or attacking midfielder — who can help set up goals.

Sean: The club needs a go-to target striker. They need a guy who can score 20 goals and be counted on in big games. They haven’t had that since Cyle Larin left.

Beard: Striker, attacking midfielder, and (obviously) coach.

My Take: I’d love for this club to add a forward in the Carlos Vela/Zlatan Ibrahimovic/Josef Martinez vein, but obviously those are few and far between. It’s almost like saying I want the team to sign Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo (I do, but…well, you know). I’d settle for someone a bit lesser known who is nearly as effective — think Heber, Kacper Przybylko, Gustavo Bou, etc. But a scorer is essential for two reasons: it takes the pressure off Dwyer, who was fantastic when playing with Cyle Larin a couple years back, and the club needs to stop blowing the chances it creates and put a death grip on these games. The defensive third must be addressed by adding better quality depth across the back line and a goalkeeper who steals points rather than being only serviceable or adequate. If Pereyra is going to be the No. 10 and Nani can be relied on less to score and more to create for Dwyer and a new DP striker, then maybe just a bit more attacking midfield/wing depth will suffice, otherwise, find me a Carles Gil or a Miguel Almiron, please.

There you have it. It’s a long piece but it’s broken up into bite-sized chunks for your consumption. Look for additional roundtables through the off-season and hopefully through 2020 as well.

Orlando City

Orlando City’s 2024 Offensive Blueprint (So Far)

An evaluation of how Orlando City has been trying to score goals in 2024.



Image courtesy of Orlando City SC / Mark Thor

All right, now that we have pushed the limit on puns and wordplay about that album, let’s look at some numbers related to Orlando City’s offense. First, let’s start with the direction of play, because Orlando City has a very clear plan of attack in 2024, and it involves the left side. According to the tracking from, Orlando City attacks down the left side on nearly half of its possessions.

No team in MLS favors one side of the field as frequently as Orlando City’s 45% on the left side, and it is interesting that it is so high down the left because Facundo Torres, generally regarded as the squad’s most creative and dangerous player, plays most frequently on the right side of the field. I think there are three primary reasons for the left side favoritism:

  • Iván Angulo is one of the fastest players in MLS and spends most of his time on the left side of the field, so the team tries to get him into space so he can use that speed to get the defense on its heels.
  • Orlando City has three left-footed players who love a cross so much I am surprised they play for Orlando City and not Vatican City. Rafael Santos averages 5.1 crosses per 90 mins (27th in MLS), Nico Lodeiro averages 5.6 (16th), and Martín Ojeda averages 9.61 (second). Ojeda has been playing more centrally recently, but he still drifts to the left frequently. Lodeiro does the same, and Santos nearly exclusively stays on the left side. All three of them are crossing machines.
  • Torres loves to cut back into the middle from his normal slot on the right side of the field, and so crossing it from left to right gives him space to operate, as the defense has to recover on a switch of field, and a scrambling defense against a talented attacking player is advantageous for Orlando City. Torres is fifth in MLS in receiving passes from 10+ yards away in the offensive area of the field, and his per-90-minute average for those receptions has increased from 2022 (8.4) to 2023 (9.8) to 2024 (11.4). Additionally, here is Facu’s shot chart for the year, courtesy of, and you can see that of his seven non-penalty-kick goals, all of them come from the right half of the field (his most recent goal against New England is highlighted with the red circle, because after a few minutes I gave up on trying to figure out how to show this without having one highlighted):

Expanding a little bit off of the direction of play, but returning to the second item in the list above, Orlando City leads all of MLS with an average of 21.32 crosses per 90 minutes. The other 28 MLS teams average 16.6 crosses per 90 minutes, so Orlando City is crossing the ball 28% more frequently than the average MLS team. The Lions have a physical presence in Duncan McGuire in the middle, so this makes sense to target him with crosses into the 18, and in fact the team is fourth in MLS this season with an average of 2.4 completed crosses into the penalty areas per 90 minutes.

It is not just Duncan though, of the 36 goals Orlando City players have scored this season (the other three are own goals), nine of them have come on a header and by eight different players. That 25% of goals scored on a header is the highest percentage for any Orlando City team in’s tracking (goes back to 2018) and ranks the team only behind Austin FC’s 29% in MLS this season.

All crosses do not necessarily end in headers, but nearly all headers come from crosses, and the irony of the fact that Orlando City is scoring a high percentage of its goals from headers is that the Lions rank, to use a technical term, DFL in the league in percentage of aerial balls won (40.1%, and the next lowest is 45.4%). It’s kind of like the tagline to those Most Interesting Man in the World beer commercials from Dos Equis — the Lions don’t often win aerial balls, but when they do, they score goals.

Flipping from balls in the air to balls that are generally played on the ground, according to the data tracked by Opta on, Orlando City is seventh in MLS in completed through balls per 90 minutes with an average of 1.5. The Lions have been in the top third of MLS in four of the last five seasons in this statistic, as this is clearly a staple of an Óscar Pareja-coached squad.

If you look at the individual MLS players who are leading the league in completing these dangerous balls, it is a veritable who’s who of creative players across the league. Say what you will about Luis Muriel, and I wrote a whole article about him a few weeks ago, but his passing ability is excellent, and it did not surprise me at all to see him high on this list and among the other well-known names. Here are the top 15, which also includes Lodeiro, among players who have played at least 500 minutes:

I touched on the left side focus earlier and how Angulo’s speed plays a large role in why the team plays more frequently down the left side, and that comes into play here as well with Orlando City’s predilection for playing through balls. It is also now time for Dagur Dan Thórhallsson to enter the chat, because he is just as much of a through ball target as Ruan was for several years in making speed runs up the right side of the field, and he ranks 24th among defenders in goal-creating actions per 90 minutes (0.24). Coincidentally, he also ranks 24th in shot-creating actions per 90 minutes (2.0). McGuire is also a target for these through balls as he makes excellent shallow runs behind defenders to then run onto balls played in front of him, and Ramiro Enrique is also pacey enough to do the same.

The completed crosses and through balls, as well as the fact that Orlando City is in the top 10 in total completed passes per 90 minutes, contribute to the team leading MLS with 10.1 completed passes into the penalty area per 90 minutes. The rest of MLS averages only 8.4, so Orlando City’s offensive tactics puts the team 20% higher than the rest of the league in terms of its frequency of completing passes to teammates inside the box.

Now, what teams want are goals, not completed passes into the penalty area, but you can see what the Lions are trying to do offensively by looking what these numbers reveal about how they are directing their attacking play.

Orlando City has a burner on the left (Angulo) and also several left-footed players who have the ability to whip in a dangerous cross (Ojeda, Lodeiro, Santos), so the focus is more on going down the left than the middle or the right. The Lions do have a fullback (Thórhallsson) with pace on the right too, so he is a target when they go right, and as a former midfielder, he has the ability to create offense coming forward, so he does with great frequency. The best finisher (Torres) is out on the right but loves to cut back to his left, and this year there is a higher focus on getting him the ball in space as opposed to having him leading the buildup.

Three players (Ojeda, Lodeiro, Muriel) are sharing the 10 role and releasing through balls to the outside and inside threats, and McGuire and Enrique are essentially serving as soccer versions of a basketball rim runner, attacking the goalmouth and trying to score in any way possible.

It all sounds great on paper, but for much of the season the offense was sputtering — so much so that Orlando City has scored more goals in the last seven games (20, 2.9 goals per game) than it did in its first 18 games (19, 1.1 goals per game). The first half of the season contained several issues that I believe contributed heavily to the low goal-scoring output, with several injuries, games missed for international duty, and competing in Concacaf Champions Cup at the same time as the start of the regular season, forcing squad rotation and players playing outside of their normal positions.

There was also just some poor play during those early months as well, some self-inflicted poor performances. I believe that Orlando City has found something though in the last few weeks, and while the Lions may not score 2.9 goals per game for the rest of the season, I think that what we have seen recently is a settled team of players who know their roles and understand the strategy, and who have the ability to execute that strategy.

Just 17 years after it was released, Jay-Z’s The Blueprint was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Recording Registry for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” Let’s hope that 17 years from now, in 2041, we are all looking back fondly on what became an athletically significant 2024 season for Orlando City.

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Orlando City

Orlando City vs. CF Montreal: Three Keys to Victory

What do the Lions need to do to get a victory to start the Leagues Cup?



Dan MacDonald, The Mane Land

Orlando City plays CF Montreal in its first 2024 Leagues Cup match Friday night at Inter&Co Stadium. The Lions have been on a nice five-match undefeated streak during the regular season. Oscar Pareja loves tournament play and will certainly do everything he can to win this first match.

What does Orlando City need to do to defeat CF Montreal in the Don Garber Loves Money Cup…er, the Leagues Cup?

Stop the Canucks

Montreal has scored 34 goals in the regular season. However, only four of those goals came in the last five matches. Still, Orlando City seems to have trouble with this Montreal squad no matter where the match is played. As such, I want to see the defense that shut down D.C. United and Nashville SC, not the one that allowed multiple goals against the Chicago Fire.

That means Pareja needs to get the left back position sorted. I know he wants the Rafael Santos of 2023 to show up in 2024. So far, Santos has not found the good form from a year ago. Kyle Smith has been mostly good when he’s gotten time on the left, but he’s not the first choice.

There’s also the matter of David Brekalo. I think that Pareja kept rolling with Rodrigo Schlegel because the Lions went on a run as Brekalo was on international duty. Now, he can re-insert Brekalo in the starting spot since it won’t affect the MLS standings. Whether he does or not is the real question.

Smart Rotation

I mentioned the potential options on the back line, but there are other players who could use a rest, could recover from a knock, or need some additional playing time. Of course, Pareja tends to stick with what is working, so I’m not sure how much rotation we will see to start the match. He can, however, change up how he uses his substitutes.

If Pareja decides to sit Facundo Torres to allow him to be fully healthy, he still has Martin Ojeda playing well. Jeorgio Kocevski has been effective in his limited minutes, making him a good candidate to see some more time, even if he doesn’t start. Competitions like Leagues Cup can allow the team to heal up or rest up before the regular season starts back up.

Revive the Attack

Ramiro Enrique is on a scoring streak. I’m glad he is since Duncan McGuire is with the U.S. Olympic team, but Orlando City needs more. I think the Leagues Cup is a good opportunity to try anything and everything to get Luis Muriel better integrated into the Orlando City attack. He has the talent, but something hasn’t quite clicked yet.

This is also an opportunity for others to contribute some goals. It’s been a bit since Nico Lodeiro scored one. Ojeda could use a banger to get going again, and don’t forget Jack Lynn. Montreal has given up 49 goals in the regular season and has a -15 goal differential. The Lions need to take advantage of such a defense to spark some offensive production.

That is what I will be looking for Friday night. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Vamos Orlando!

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Lion Links

Lion Links: 7/25/24

Marta’s legacy, Orlando Pride get ready for Monterrey, U.S. men lose to France in Olympic soccer, and more.



Image courtesy of Orlando Pride

How’s it going, Mane Landers? I’m settling back into the swing of things after a weekend trip to Maine that featured so many lobster rolls that I’m pretty sure my veins have more butter than blood in them at this point. All of the soccer going on takes some of the sting out of returning to work at least. Let’s dive into today’s links!

Marta’s Journey to Paris

Orlando Pride and Brazilian star Marta will begin her final international tournament today when Brazil takes on Nigeria this afternoon. Through interviews with the coaches, teammates, and opponents she’s had over the course of her career, ESPN detailed the impact she’s had on soccer. It’s a great feature that I strongly suggest you read in full, as it also touches on the instability of women’s soccer at the club level that she and many others had to battle against. From her teenage years in Brazil to becoming an outspoken ambassador for the sport, there are plenty of great vignettes into her life as a player included as well.

Orlando Pride Prepare for Monterrey

After losing a penalty shootout to the North Carolina Courage in their NWSL x Liga MX Femenil Summer Cup opener, the Orlando Pride will aim to right the ship when they take on Monterrey on Saturday. It’s been over a month since the Pride have played at home, which should give the team a boost while notable players are at the Olympics. None of the Liga MX teams beat an NWSL team in the first round of matches, and Monterrey lost 3-1 to Racing Louisville. Pride Head Coach Seb Hines spoke on how he’s excited to see how the team matches up against a team from outside the NWSL, along with how it will be a good experience for the players.

Checking In With Dennis Chin

As part of the recurring series to put a spotlight on those who have played a part in Orlando City’s history, former Lion Dennis Chin spoke on his time in Orlando during the team’s USL days. It’s been 10 years since Chin played in Orlando, where he scored 32 goals across 103 appearances and won the 2012 USL Pro Golden Boot. His family came to Orlando from Jamaica when he was young, and playing for the club gave him a chance to represent the City Beautiful.

“I felt like an extension of what everyone wanted to be,” he explained. “I felt like I was representing not just myself, but the whole city, my family and everyone. To still have that connection and to still feel that love, it just means the world to me.”

Chin tried his hand at coaching after retirement but stated he didn’t enjoy it, instead choosing to start his own player agency. He’s made strides providing player representation since then, using the lessons he learned from his own career to support players.

U.S. Olympic Men’s Team Loses to France

The United States Men’s Olympic Soccer Team had a rough first game in Paris after losing 3-0 to France. After a scoreless first half, Alexandre Lacazette gave France the lead in the 61st minute and Michael Olise scored another soon after. Orlando City forward Duncan McGuire started up top for the U.S. and was subbed off in the 86th minute, right after Loic Bade scored France’s third goal. The next match for the U.S. will be on Saturday against a New Zealand side that won 2-1 against Guinea. The Yanks will need to be sharper in that match and the group stage finale against Guinea on Tuesday if they want to advance.

MLS All-Stars Fall to Liga MX All-Stars

It was a rough night for the MLS All-Stars, who lost 4-1 to the Liga MX All-Stars in Columbus. Monterrey striker German Berterame got the scoring started in the 16th minute, but Columbus Crew duo Diego Rossi and Cucho Hernandez linked up for an equalizer a minute later. The Liga MX All-Stars scored again before halftime and then put the game to bed with a pair of back-to-back goals in the second half. The MLS All-Stars had their chances to score but lacked a finishing touch and weren’t able to claw their way back into the match. Attention now turns to the Leagues Cup, which kicks off on Friday and will pit MLS and Liga MX teams against each other.

Free Kicks

  • French winger Delphine Cascarino will join the San Diego Wave after the Olympics, signing a contract through the 2026 season. The 27-year-old has been with Lyon since making her professional debut in 2015.
  • An assistant coach and analyst for Canada were both removed from the team and sent home after New Zealand reported Canada for disrupting its Olympic training with a drone. Head Coach Bev Priestman withdrew herself from coaching the match as well.
  • The Olympic match between Argentina and Morocco had to be suspended for two hours due to fans rushing the field to protest a goal deep in stoppage time. What would have been the equalizer from Argentina was disallowed for offside upon video review after the delay, and Morocco went on to win 2-1.
  • American striker Ricardo Pepi scored a hat trick in PSV Eindhoven’s friendly against FC Eindhoven.
  • Konrad de la Fuente is headed to Switzerland after being transferred from Marseille to FC Lausanne. The American has spent the past two seasons on loan, playing for Eibar in Spain’s second division last year.
  • The Belgian Pro League kicks off on Friday and there are some Americans to keep an eye out for, including Owen Otasowie, Mark McKenzie, and Westerlo duo Bryan Reynolds and Julian Placias.

That’s all I have for you today. I hope you all have a great Thursday and rest of your week!

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