The end of the month is finally here. March didn’t really pan out how any of us expected, did it? Still, I hope you’re safe and...
Happy Monday, everyone. I come to you a day earlier than usual this week due to an impromptu drive up north today to see some family....
Hello Mane Landers, I hope you are doing well and entertaining yourself as most of the Orlando area is on the stay-at-home mandate for a few...
How’s it going, Mane Landers? Hopefully you all are hanging in there as we transition from the week to the weekend. While that has lost some...
Good morning, Mane Landers. I hope this Thursday finds you all well. I’m still working to figure out this new normal, but let’s go ahead and...
Good morning, Mane Landers. My husband and I started working from home together yesterday. We work together every day, but I often don’t often see him....
Happy Tuesday, everybody. With the school I work at having shifted to online instruction for the foreseeable future, I find myself with more time to work...
Merry Monday morning, Mane Landers! I know that might sound a bit weird with everything that is going on, but here we are. Hopefully, you are...
Happy Sunday, everyone. It’s been a brutal 10 days (and it feels a whole lot longer than that to me) since the coronavirus pandemic put the...
Hello Mane Landers, what have you been doing to keep yourself busy this week? I hope that everyone is doing well and that you’re taking care...