In the 2017 SuperDraft, Orlando selected Danny Deakin with the 64th pick. The Englishman has proved himself at each competition level in the United States soccer...
Before you continue to read, open up a new tab, go to Google, and type in “it’s football not soccer.” In your search you probably found...
Great morning Mane Land readers. I hope everyone’s weekend is off to a really good start. Welcome to this morning’s news. We are getting closer to...
On Sunday, the United States Men’s National Team drew Serbia 0-0 in Bruce Arena’s return. In the second game of 2017, the U.S. beat Jamaica 1-0...
With the Pride preseason still a ways off, many players are still abroad, using their talents elsewhere to better their game. In Australia, the members of...
Orlando City B has announced a series of friendly matches before it gets its second USL season started on March 25 at Tampa Bay. The club...
Welcome to your match thread for the last U.S. Men’s National Team match of the 2017 January camp, as Team USA takes on Jamaica. Last week,...
The career leader in goals in an Orlando City uniform has left the City Beautiful. Kevin Molino scored 42 goals in his six years with the...
JACKSONVILLE, FL — There are only a handful of players left on Orlando City’s roster that were on the field for the club’s inaugural MLS match...
Good morning, Mane Land readers. I hope you enjoyed last Friday’ Lion Links from our managing editor while I was out of the office. And if...
I like this report because it is down to earth and tries hard to be optimistic about the Lions. At…